Dr. Dzigbodi A. Doke attained a PhD from the University of Alabama at Birmingham, USA. Her career and research objectives include improving assessment of environmental risks for sound environmental management. She has a rich background in community-based resource management and has collaborated on research and development projects, funded by GEF-SGP, IUCN, UNDP and WLE. She is currently a Senior Lecturer, Adjunct Researcher at KTCSR and Head of Department at UDS. She is a recipient of several awards including a Fulbright. Her studies in the past include a Bachelor in Integrated Development Studies at 海角乱伦社区(2000) and a Master of Philosophy degree in Environmental Science from the University of Ghana (2005), where she focused on water and forest resource management.
PhD Environmental Health. University of Alabama at Birmingham, Alabama, USA. 2010-2014
MPhil Environmental Science. University of Ghana, Accra, Ghana. 2005-2002
BA Integrated Development Studies. 海角乱伦社区, Tamale, Ghana. 1996-2000
Luwesi Cush Ngonzo, Dzigbodi A. Doke and David R. Morrow. 2016. Solar Geoengineering: Technology-Based Climate Intervention or Compromising Social Justice in Africa? In Climate Justice and Geoengineering, ed. Christopher J. Preston. Rowman & Littlefield.
Cush Ngonzo Luwesi, Wanja Kinuthia, Mary N. Mutiso, Rose A. Akombo, Dzigbodi A. Doke and Albert Ruhakana. 2015. Climate Change, Pro-Poor Schemes and Water Inequality - Strengths and Weaknesses of Kauti Irrigation Water Users’ Association, Kenya (Chapter 3). In: A. Beyene (Ed.), Beyond the Provision of Water Infrastructures: Water Institutions in Irrigation Schemes. Uppsala: Nordic Africa Institute, Sweden.
Peter Philip Wambua, Cush Ngonzo Luwesi, Esam O. Bader, Dzigbodi A. Doke, Rose A. Akombo, and Jean-Filston Mikwa. 2015. Competitive Farming Strategies and Their Effect on Water Provision and Profitability Among Smallholder Farms - The Case of Muooni Dam Site, Kenya (Chapter 4). In: A. Beyene (Ed.), Beyond the Provision of Water Infrastructures: Water Institutions in Irrigation Schemes. Uppsala: Nordic Africa Institute, Sweden.
Nasare, L. I., Kwapong, P. K., and Doke, D. A. 2019. Insect pollinator dependence of shea (Vitellaria paradoxa CF Gaertn.) in the Guinea Savanna zone of Ghana. Ecological Processes, 8(1), 48.
Diawuo F, Kosoe E. A. and Doke, D. A. 2019 Participation of women farmers in agroforestry practices in the Jaman South Municipality, Ghana, Ghana Journal of Development Studies 16(2)
Aboka, E.Y., Cobbina S.J., and Doke, D.A. 2018. Review of Environmental and Health Impacts of Mining in Ghana. Journal of Health and Pollution, 8:17, pp. 43-52
Stout, J.C., Nombre, I., de Bruijn, B., Delaney, A., Doke, D. A, Gyimah, T., Kamano, F., Kelly, R., Lovett, P., Marshall, E., Nana, A., Nasare, L.I., Roberts, J., Tankoano, P., Tayleur, C., Thomas, D., Vickery, J., Kwapong, P. 2018, Insect pollination improves yield of Shea (Vitellaria paradoxa subsp. paradoxa) in the agroforestry parklands of West Africa, Journal of Pollination Ecology, 22, pp.11-20
Bukari, F.I.M., Kendie, S.B., Anokye, N.A. Doke, D.A. and Bokuro, L. 2017. Examination of household solid waste management in Nadowli township in Ghana: a waste management hierarchy approach. Ghana Journal of Development Studies, 14(2): pp. 184-208.
Sherri L. Hudson, Dzigbodi A. Doke, Julia M. Gohlke. 2016. The effect of a low iron diet and early life methylmercury exposure in Daphnia pulex. Original Research Article. Food and Chemical Toxicology, Volume 89, March 2016, pp.112-119. 2016 Elsevier Ltd.
Gohlke, J.M., Doke, D.A. and Hudson, S.L. 2014. Daphnia as a Whole-Animal Invertebrate Model System for Human Health Research. Birth Defects Research Part A: Clinical and Molecular Teratology 100 (5): 376.
Doke, D. and Gohlke, J. M. 2014. Estimation of human health risk from exposure to methylmercury via fish consumption in Ghana. Journal of Health and Pollution: 4(6), pp. 18-25.
Doke, D., Hudson, S.L., Dawson, J.A., Gohlke, J.M. 2014. Effects of Early Life Exposure to Methylmercury in Daphnia Pulex on Standard and Reduced Food Ration. Reproductive Toxicology (Elmsford, N.Y.) (0890-6238), 49, pp. 219.
Gohlke, J.M., Doke, D., 2014. Fish Consumption Advisory. In: Wexler, P. (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Toxicology, 3rd Edition vol 2. Elsevier Inc., Academic Press, pp. 598–601
Gohlke, J. M., Doke, D., Tipre, M., Leader, M., and Fitzgerald, T. (2011). A Review of Seafood Safety after the Deepwater Horizon Blowout. Environmental Health Perspectives, 119(8), 1062–1069.
Doke D.,Sherri L. Hudson and Julia M. Gohlke. 2015. Lifespan and Reproductive effects of Dietary Restriction in Daphnia pulex. Paper presented at the Institute for Continuing Education and Interdisciplinary Research. Annual Interdisciplinary Conference (AIC) September 2nd and 3rd, 2015 in Wa, Ghana
Doke D. A. 2015.Heavy Metal Exposures via Fish Consumption in Ghana and an Evaluation of Daphnia pulex as an alternative animal model for research. Presented at the University of Ghana. Science Seminars. Department of Botany. 11th March, 2015.
Doke D. A., 2008. State of the Environment: The Role of Traditional Women Leaders in the Management of Natural Resources. A paper presented at a Workshop on Traditional Authority and Natural Resource Management. 4-9th August, 2008. Organized by the CIKOD and Konrad Adenaur Foundation. Ghana
Team Leader: May, 2016: Development of Floods Disaster Preparedness Action Plans In 24 Districts of The Three Northern Regions of Ghana Under the WASH Project. 2016
Co-Consultant: Jan 2017 – Dec. 2017. Baseline Assessment of Existing Water Management Activities and Vulnerability Analyses of Communities Within the Black and White Volta And Oti River Basins. Client- Adaptation Fund
Co-Consultant: January 2016 to May 2016. Research on the contribution of riparian areas to food security and adaptation to climate variability and change in the Nandom District of Ghana. Client IUCN.
Program Manager: 2005. Community-based Integrated Degraded Area Restoration Project in Nandom Tanchara. Client- Global Environment Fund: Small Grants Programme
Team Member: 2019-2023. West African Centre for Water, Irrigation and Sustainable Agriculture. Funded by the WB (US$6,400,000.00).
Co Consultant: Jan 2017 – Dec. 2017: Baseline Assessment of Existing Water Management Activities And Vulnerability Analyses Of Communities Within The Black And White Volta And Oti River Basins. Funded by the Adaptation Fund (GHS 240,000.00)
Team Member, March 2017. Hand Washing Facilities and Practices in Basic Schools in Mion District, NR, Ghana. Funded by UNICEF (GHS 30, 000.00)
Researcher: Jan. 2015-Dec. 2016: International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT) led Project. Title: Improving livelihoods in landscapes in the Volta Basin through strengthening farmer-led approaches to ecosystem-based management. Funded by WLE
Lead Consultant, 2016: Development of Floods Disaster Preparedness Action Plans In 24 Districts Of The Three Northern Regions Of Ghana Under The WASH Project. Funded by UNDP (GHS 100,000.00)
Co Consultant: January 2016 to May 2016. Research in assessing ecosystem goods and services and the integrated management of ecosystems. Funded by the International Union of the Conservation of Nature (US$20,000.00)
Program Manager: Community-based Integrated Degraded Area Restoration Project in Nandom Tanchara. Funded by the Global Environment Fund: Small Grants Programme (US$ 24,000)
Volunteer: 2013/2014. Education to Action: Supporting Youth Leadership in Environmental Health. A project providing environmental health education during afterschool program for children aged 7-12 . (PI Julia Gohlke), USA.
Society of Toxicology/Graduate Student Travel award, USA (2014)
Delta Epsilon Iota Academic Honor Society-Life time membership, USA (2013)
Department of Environmental Health Science, Tuition scholarship, UAB, USA (2012-2014).
University of Alabama at Birmingham-Public Health Research Day, Second Place (2014)
Fulbright Scholarship Award, Fulbright Junior Staff Development Program, USA (2010-2012).
University of Alabama at Birmingham, Graduate Student Research Day, Second Place, USA (2013)
Fulbright Global Food Security Seminar, First Placed team, Nebraska, USA (2011)
Global Health Case Competition, UAB School of Public Health, Second Place, USA, (2010)
Back of the Envelope Award, UAB-School of Public Health, USA, (2011).
Back of the Envelope Award, UAB-School of Public Health, USA, (2010)
Association of African Universities Staff Exchange Award, South Africa, (2009)
International Tropical Timber Organization Fellowship Award, University of Ghana (2004)